This unit fought principally on the northern-most front of the war: in northern Norway and Finland, where its task was mainly to support bombers attacking the Allied convoys en route for Russian harbours. They also protected the German battleships and U-boats plying Norwegian waters. Numerous « free-chases » and ground attack missions were flown daily over Soviet territory.

Oblt. Horst Berger (left), leader of the 8. Staffel JG 5 was posted missing on 8th May 1944 during a combat over the Barents Sea in his « Black 11 ».
Here follows the list of MIA pilots of JG 5. Any question concerning this list is welcomed. If you have the answer to just one of these entries, I would be glad to include your remark and name. |
19/02/42 | Obgfr. Gerhardt Seibt |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 (3285) yellow 12 |
Combat with MiG-1, Petrijärvi, near Loukhi |
Became POW. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken and Rune Rautio) This plane made a forced landing at Räetkävaara, northerneast Finland. Even today it is over twenty kilometres to the nearest road from this site. In order to become POW Seibt should have had walked at least 150km, cross a few roads and go under a few phonelines along his way.All this in deep snow and to begin with he was already completely out of his bearings when he made that forced landing. I rather believe that his remains are yet to be found at the Kaldoaivi wilderness. The remains of his plane were salvaged in 1975 and nowadays are in Central Finland Aviation Museum. (Thanks to Harri Honkanen) |
29/03/42 | Obgfr. Hermann Hesse |
5./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (5947) red 1 (2947?) |
Crash, near Urajoki (east of Parkkina) |
KIA, body found 3 weeks later, buried at Petsamo-Parkkina. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken and Rune Rautio) | ||||
09/05/42 | Lt. Hans Lechte |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (5133) white 3 |
Combat with Hurricane, Pikshuew – Vichany (3 km east of Titowka Fluss) |
10/05/42 | Uffz. Heinz Bausch |
5./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (5975) yellow 4 |
Ura – Guba |
Became POW, aircraft found in 1993. (Thanks to Rune Rautio and Milan Krajci). | ||||
25/05/42 | Lt. Friedrich Dahn |
5./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (4093) yellow 5 |
Combat, n. of Murmansk |
27/05/42 | Ofw. Walter Sommer |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (2023) black 9 |
Combat, crash, 40 km w. of Murmaschi |
Declared dead in 1961. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
18/06/42 | Lt. Harry Kripphal Ofw. Erich Kulik (ch?) |
10.(Z)/JG 5 | Bf 110 E-2 (3759) LN + LR |
AA fire, 30 km w. of Murmansk |
29/06/42 | Uffz. Wilhelm Kuchlingg |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (10133) yellow 15 |
AA fire, 10 km w. of Murmashi |
13/07/42 | Lt. Hans-Joachim Bahr |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109E-7 (1430) black 8 |
AA fire, Njaljärvi (Njal-Javer See) |
Found dead in the wrecks by Russians. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
04/09/42 | Uffz. Bruno Assmuss Gefr. Erwin Härtel |
13.(Z)/JG 5 | Bf 110 F-2 (5048) TI + LA |
Unknown reason, Lipatinaapa. |
Both KIA, but no grave is known to the officials. | ||||
09/09/42 | Obgfr. Günther Hoffmann |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (8245) yellow 8 |
Combat, Fl. Pl. Shonguj (s. of Murmansk) |
15/09/42 | Uffz. August Braun |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (7574) white 1 |
Probably AA fire, presqu’île de Fischer (Rybatschij) |
Still MIA but probably KIA: JG 5 searched the sea off the Fischerhalbinsel for 13 hours after the crash. They could not locate any trace of him, and later assumed the crash had been ashore. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) |
19/09/42 | Lt. Werner Kunze |
Stab II./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (10252) < – + |
Tir fighter, forced landingn.w. of Murmaschi |
09/11/42 | Obgfr. Gustav Luther |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (4054) white 5 |
Combat, Aninkavaara, NE d’ Alakurtti |
Crashed at Maaninkavaara, Finland.The pilot apparently had gotten lost and when running out of fuel decided to bail out. He ended up landing in a tree and for some reason couldnt free himself but died there. The body was found only after the war. Was later buried, probably German soldiers cemetary at Norvajärvi near Rovaniemi. (Thanks to Harri Honkanen) |
09/11/42 | Uffz. Erwin Zeuschel |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 E-7 (4910) white 18 |
Combat Rutshi – Chupa n.e. of Alakurtti |
09/11/42 | Uffz. Klaus Betz |
9./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (7108) TI + LA |
Rovianemi-Petsamo (Tshiengalasjärvi) |
05/01/43 | Fw. Reinhold Bigalk |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (8632) |
AA fire, 6 km w. of Rowje |
Was shot dead by a local hunter after first killing an other hunter. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
21/02/43 | Fw. Paul Schwippert |
9./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (13081) yellow 14 |
AA fire, Rubatschij |
03/03/43 | Fw. Josef Gruber |
1./JG 5 | Fw 190 A-2 (2132) white 6 |
Combat, w. of Stavanger-Sola |
Still MIA but probably KIA: the crash site has been explored with rescue forces but without success. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) | ||||
11/03/43 | Uffz. Theobald Jasbeck |
12./JG 5 | Fw 190 A-2 (0459) yellow 12 |
Örlandedt (w. of Trondheim) |
19/03/43 | Uffz. Karl Grundhöfer |
12./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (14633) |
S. w. of Airfield Lade |
Still MIA but probably KIA: the ship Bussard searched for the aircraft and found only pieces of the aircraft but no sign of the pilot. The water depth at the crash site was 76 meters, and the aircraft is still there… probably with the pilot. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) | ||||
27/03/43 | Uffz. Andreas Riess |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (7544) white 14 |
Combat with fighter, Murmaschi (s. of Murmansk) |
Wreck with remains of pilot found Autumn 1996 by Russian naval team. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
03/04/43 | Obgfr. Eugen Britz ? |
9./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (8993) yellow 3 GC+KQ |
Combat s. of Murmaschi |
Declared dead in 1989. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) (Thanks to Mark Sheppard for correct spelling) |
05/04/43 | Uffz. Kurt Dobner |
14.(J)/JG 5 | Fw 190 A-3 (0323) black 14 |
AA fire w. of Murmaschi |
Found dead in the wreck. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
29/04/43 | Fw. Erwin Fahldieck |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (10394) yellow 2 |
Combat near Vaenga (Murmansk) |
Became POW. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
08/05/43 | Lt. Rolf-Viktor Sadewasser |
Stab III./JG 5 | Bf 109 F-4 (10153) < 3 + (10159?) |
Combat near Ura Guba (20 km w. of Murmansk) |
03/06/43 | Lt. Gerhard Harder |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13925) yellow 2 |
Combat, 13 km N.W. of Kola bight (Pogankap) » |
Following Milan Krajci, Harder was MIA in the Wladimir area. Thanks for this precision. | ||||
22/06/43 | Lt. Walter Geisen |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13785) white 10 |
Combat, Airfield Artika (Murmansk) |
KIA: parachuted from to low altitude. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
23/06/43 | Lt. Herbert Simon |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13462)white 5 (13426?) |
Combat, s.e. of Kowda-Knjashaja |
07/07/43 | Fw. Josef Sommeregger |
1./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (14055) white 3 |
Combat with Hampden, 100 km s.w. of Egersund |
Still MIA but probably KIA: after his crash into the sea only a slick of oil and an empty life west was observed by the Seenotdienst. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) | ||||
09/07/43 | Uffz. Hans Grosser |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (15581) yellow 14 |
Combat, 30 km w. of Rybatschij |
09/07/43 | Uffz. Fritz Mühlberg |
I./JG 5 | Fw 58 (023) KB+ HP |
Combat, Herdla – Lade |
09/07/43 | Uffz. Hans Amschler |
I./JG 5 | Fw 58 (023) KB+ HP |
Combat, Herdla – Lade |
10/08/43 | Uffz. Alfred Leibersperger |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (10406) white 13 |
Combat with Hampden, Pl. Qu. 014/37E, near Berveläg, 60 km n.e. of Makur |
18/08/43 | Fw. Christian Stolz |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (15597) yellow 2 |
AA fire, 3 km s. of Loh Guba |
04/09/43 | Uffz. Karl-Ernst Homann |
11./JG 5 | Fw 190 A-4 (5673) |
Crash, s. of Ogna (Pl. Qu. 5963/05E) (Egersund) |
14/09/43 | Ofw. Erich Beulich |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (14805)white 14 | Combat, east of Kiberg (Pl. Qu. 37 Ost 0175) |
KIA: crashed in sea from 4000 meter. (Thanks to Rune Rautio) | ||||
10/10/43 | Uffz. Wolfgang Nieske |
10./JG 5 | Fw 190 A-2 (434)white 17 | Ferry flight, collision with Fw 190, Pl. Qu. 06 Ost 6329 (Gossen) |
18/12/43 | Uffz. Paul Fleischhauer |
12./JG 5 | Fw 190 A-3 (5500)yellow 13 | Combat, Cap Stadlandet |
04/01/44 | Uffz. Josef Brenner |
12./JG 5 | FW 190 A-3 (2207) | Escort flight, s. of Bremanger |
24/01/44 | Gefr. Helmut Schnelling |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (10814)black 16 | Probably AA fire, near Pustoschka (s.e. of l’ Utschtaler See) |
31/01/44 | Uffz. Richard Haberichter |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (410756)yellow 2 | Combat with fighter russes, s. of Pustoso (région s. of Putoschka) |
03/02/44 | Uffz. Wolfgang Zimmermann |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (10363)black 10 | Combat with fighter russes, near Pustoschka |
14/02/44 | Lt. Karl-Heinz Froschek |
14.(J)/JG 5 | Fw 190 A-2 (2179 | Crash, Kistinki-Louhi Kiesti (?) |
24/02/44 | Uffz. Karl Schrag |
5./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (411060)black 4 | Combat with Yak-9, near Pustoschka |
28/02/44 | Uffz. Felix Wagner |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (10447)black 7 | Crashed into the sea, 50-60 km NE du Cap Zyp Nawolok |
05/03/44 | Uffz. Heinz Finzsch |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13800)black 4 | Combat, 8 km e. of Ekkeroy |
30/03/44 | Ofw. Albert Mack Uffz. Rolf Möbius |
13.(Z)/JG 5 | Bf 110 G-2 (5603)1B + EX | Combat with 18 Beaufighter, 80 km n.w. Utsira |
09/04/44 | Uffz. Heinz Wagner |
6./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (410031)yellow 12 | Combat with fighter, near Wermann Lake |
23/04/44 | Fw. Peter Rohde |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412110)white 5 | Combat sur la mer, s’abîme, s.e. of Vardö |
23/04/44 | Uffz. Günter Gorgas |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13473)black 5 | 10 km n. of Keinässaari (Heinässari ?) |
08/05/44 | Oblt. Horst Berger |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13810)black 11 | 20 km n.w. of Wajda-Guba |
08/05/44 | Uffz. Ernst Brettin |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (10347) | After scramble |
08/05/44 | Obfhr. Kurt Otto |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (14697) | After scramble |
09/05/44 | Uffz. Werner Erlinger |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (410913)white 6 | AA fire and combat with fighter, 10 km n.e. of Pustoso (Pustoschka) |
20/06/44 | Fw. Helmut Eichelmann |
4./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412315)white 11 | Ferry flight Mannheim-Evreux, 30 km s. w. of Paris |
24/06/44 | Lt. Ortwin Meyer |
5./JG 55./JG 3 | Bf 109 G-6 (412677)black 4 + – | Combat with P-47, near Caen |
25/06/44 | Uffz. Emil Scheidt |
9./JG 54./JG 3 | Bf 109 G-6 (411961)white 16 + – | Combat, near Dreux/Saint-André-de l’Eure |
28/06/44 | Obgfr. Karl Höppner |
3./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6/AS (440216)yellow 8 | Arras area |
01/07/44 | Gefr. Heinrich Jansen |
3./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6/AS (412188)yellow 4 | Combat with P-51, 30 km east of St. Quentin |
16/07/44 | Uffz. Kurt Berger |
2./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6/U2 (441866)black 10 | Combat, near Dieppe/Abbeville |
19/07/44 | Fw. Walter Riemer |
5./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (413528)black 4 | Combat, near München |
30/07/44 | Uffz. Dieter Kreikemeier |
11./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (15805) | Combat with Airacobra, crashed into the seas. of Norvwegian coast |
30/07/44 | Uffz. Johann Kwiotkowski |
11./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (411041) | Combat with Airacobra, crashed into the seas. of Norvwegian coast |
30/07/44 | Lt. Heinz Salz |
11./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412306) | Combat with Airacobra, crashed into the seas. of Norvwegian coast |
30/07/44 | Lt. Horst Mülling |
12./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (411024) | Combat with Beaufighter and P-51, s. of Norvwegian coast |
04/08/44 | Lt. Frieder Bölz |
2./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (165885)black 5 | Near Alençon – Nogent le Rotrou 130 km s.e. of Caen |
04/08/44 | Uffz. Fritz Drägert |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412560)white 2 | Combat, near Salzwedel – Wittenberge |
04/08/44 | Uffz. Heinz Moses |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (441850)white 6 | Combat, near Salzwedel – Wittenberge |
05/08/44 | Uffz. Gerhard Kraus |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (441520)white 3 | Combat, near Bremen / Hannover |
05/08/44 | Fhr. Helmut Tengeler |
8./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (441460)blue 2 | Combat s.w. of Hamburg |
07/08/44 | Uffz. Ernst Binna |
1./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (165839)white 7 | Near Avranches. |
KIA. Buried at Mont-de-Huisnes (France). Gruft 54 Grabkammer 70. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) |
17/08/44 | Gefr. Günther Wien |
9./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412228)yellow 2 | Combat, near Petsamo |
25/08/44 | Gefr. Rudolf Heubel |
7./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (163712)yellow 4 | Combat, near Bad Doberan |
15/09/44 | Lt. Günther Fuhrmann |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (166117)black 5 | Combat with Airacobra, 15 km n. of Pummanki |
26/09/44 | Obfhr. Gerhard Haschke |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412217)white 4 | Combat with fighter, 15 km n. of Petsamo bay |
26/09/44 | Uffz. Kurt Thonemann |
13./JG 5 | Fw 190 F-8 (581665) | Combat, near Vadsö |
12/10/44 | Uffz. Rudolf Heinelt |
11./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (14645)yellow 2 | After scramble, s. w. of Petsamo |
24/10/44 | Fw. Gustav Scharwächter |
13./JG 5 | Fw 190 F-8 (580964) | Unknown reason, Varanger |
07/12/44 | Uffz.Harry Bernhardt |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (410817)black 11 | Combat, crashed into the sea near Gossen |
07/12/44 | Uffz. Raimund Bruscagin |
11./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (410816)sans code | Combat, crashed into the sea near Gossen |
09/02/45 | Fhj.Fw. Otto Leibfried |
9./JG 5 | Fw 190 F-8 (581676)white 22 | 30 km n. of Bergen |
KIA, buried at Solheim, Bergen, Norway (Block 1, Reihe 15, Grab 1). (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) | ||||
16/02/45 | Fhj.Fw. Wolfgang Kindt |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-2 (13992) black 1 + |
Combat, Aalesund area |
KIA, burried on the churchyard of Sæbø (Thanks to Morten Moe and Andreas Brekken) | ||||
12/03/45 | Oblt. Hans Schneider |
13./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (410780) |
— |
12/03/45 | Ofw. Theodor Stebner |
13./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-14 (464321) (464231?) |
— |
KIA, buried at Havstein, Trondheim, Grave 7A. (Thanks to Andreas Brekken) | ||||
25/03/45 | Oblt. Fritz Kohrt |
III./JG 5 | Fw 190 A-8 (732075) |
Combat with Mosquito and P-51, n. of Bergen |
26/03/45 | Fw. Hermann Jäger |
10./JG 5 | Bf 109 G-6 (412398) |
After combat, n.w. of Christiansand |
Crashed in the sea just outside the village of Leira on Tustna just north of Kristiansund. According to locals the pilot remained in the airplane and was never recovered. (Thanks to Morten Moe) | ||||
05/04/45 | Obgfr. Wilhelm Ohage |
10./JG 5 | — | Combat, Aalesund |
05/04/45 | Uffz. Peter Wirz |
10./JG 5 | — | Combat, Aalesund |
There is a detailled book on JG 5 available with photos, losses and claims-tables, first hand accounts… please click here | ![]() |